Monday, September 12, 2011

My awesome summer

My summer was really fun and I went to a billion different places. So, the first thing I did this summer was go to sleepaway-camp in New Jersey which was really, really fun. We did all sorts of cool stuff including theatrical make-up class where you get to make fake bullet wounds and cuts. It was really fun! Then I was here in Brooklyn for a little while but after that we went to our ferguson family reunion (FFR) which was really cool and we went swimming every day in the lake and in the pool. But the highlight of my summer was when we went on a three week camping trip in Maine and Canada! It was really cool and we went to this place called Hopewell Rocks which is a place on the Bay of Fundy where the tide average between high and low tide is over 30 feet which is saying a lot considering that the normal average is about 3 feet!
Anyway my summer was really cool so see you next time!

1 comment:

  1. Do you have any pictures of your theatrical make-up class? That sounds like a lot of fun! --Karen
